Baytowne West

A deed-restricted community in Safety Harbor, Florida

What can I put on my porch?

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A friendly reminder about our porch rules (which includes front porches, rear stoops and sidewalks). Keep in mind, the purpose of these rules is to keep the neighborhood looking beautiful.

Nothing may be stored on the rear stoop, front garden or in front of or on the exterior of the unit. Here are specific examples of items not allowed to be kept in these areas:

  • All gardening tools, ladders and equipment must be stored out of sight.
  • Recycling boxes must not be visible.
  • No athletic equipment (such as backboards for basketball) can be stored outside of the unit.
  • No statues over eighteen (18″) inches may be placed on the lot.
  • No window air conditioners or window fans may be installed in the unit.

The preceding list is not intended to limit the scope of the rule in Article VI, Section 6.3.

Also, it’s the responsibility of the resident to ensure that all windows, screens, front doors and screen doors are maintained and kept neat and clean.

The BTW Board and your neighbors thank you for making our homes look good!